Monday, February 12, 2018

Learn about Opioids 2/27/18 at 3:45pm in JR 354

You're invited to attend our American Chemical Society (ACS) Program-in-a-Box (PIB) where we will learn about opioids on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 from 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm in JR 354.

Program-in-a-Box is a fun event because you get to network with other chemists, learn about a topic, and win raffle prizes. Use the hashtag #ACSPIB to have your questions answered via social media.

opioid molecular structures

Some of the past PIB events we've hosted here at CSUN include:
  • October 11, 2016 Chemists' Code for Success: 3 Essential Skill Sets for Your Career
  • October 20, 2015 Tales of Lab Safety: How to Avoid Rookie Accidents
  • February 24, 2015 Chemistry on the Silver Screen
  • October 7, 2014 Speaking Simply: Communicating Your Science
It's called Program-in-a-Box because if you RSVP your group, the ACS will send you a box filled with goodies and games. And we've RSVP'd for the opioid event, so join us!

October 2015, LO1231

October 2016, SH286

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